ELERTS Provides a few different methods for allowing users into your organization. So require an email challenge while others are open to everyone.

  1. Public: Public organizations are open to everyone and can be selected from the in app list.
  2. Private: Private organizations are closed to the public and are hidden in the app organization list. If a user is allowed access to a private organization it will appear in the app organization list. Once selected the user will receive a challenge email to finish the activation. To allow access for users you must do one of the following
    1. Add the User to the Authorized App User list
    2. Add an email domain to the Domains section on the Authorized App User screen. This will white-list the domain and give access to anyone with the email
  3. Semi-Private: Semi-Private organizations require users to enter an access code in the app to make the organization appear in the list.

Adding Users

See App User Management for more info on adding and removing users.