The App User Management page lets you manage your users and any groups you have created.


Groups have multiple uses. The main purpose is to make it easier to send messages to a specific set of users. They can also be used to allow access extra Report types in the app. 


When you enable EScanner on a group, users in that group will receive any new messages sent into ELERTS on their smartphones

To Create a Group

  1. Click the Create Group button
  2. Enter a name for the group
  3. Click Create

Rename a Group

  1. Click on the group you would like to rename
  2. Click on the pencil next to the group name
  3. Enter in the new name and click Rename Group

Assign a User to a Group

  1. Click the checkbox next to the user you want to add
  2. Click the Plus button that is now visible next to the desired group

Remove a User from a Group

  1. Click the checkbox next to the user you want to remove
  2. Click the Remove User(s) button

Remove a Group

  1. Click on the group you would like to delete
  2. Click the Delete Group button
  3. Click the Delete Group button on the prompt

Authorized Users

Sometimes you want to restrict who can join your organization. Authorized Users tab allows you to upload a list of email addresses of users who you want to give access. When a user enters their email into the app they will be able to see your organization and request to join it. They will then receive an activation email that will require them to enter in their email one more time to fully activate their device. The authorized users list will show you a list of all your users as well as which ones have installed and activated their devices.

Add an Authorized User

  1. Select the Authorized Users tab
  2. Click Add Authorized User button
  3. Enter in the user's information. You can select a group that you want the user to automatically join on activation.
  4. Click Add

Bulk Add Authorized Users

   To upload a list of users, the file cannot be an EXCEL file.  User list must be in .csv or .txt format.  Each column in the user list must have a title.  The first column must be “email.”

  1. Select the Authorized Users tab
  2. Click the Upload Authorized Emails button.
  3. Click the Select File button.
  4. Choose the appropriate file to upload. 

  5. Click Upload List.


 Example CSV
EmailFirst Name
Last Name
Required (Email address)
Optional (Can be anything)
Optional (Used for helping assign group/locations to Users)

CSV Format
Email,First Name,Last Name,Location,Group,John,Smith,North,Admin,Bob,Jones,South,Office,Sarah,Johnson,East,Remote


White List a Domain

White listing a domain allows for bulk allowing of app users. Any user who enters in an email with a matching domain will get an activation link sent to the entered email address.

  1. Select the Authorized Users tab
  2. Click the Authorized Email Domains button
  3. Enter the domain and click add domain. (ex: Add