Report Details page shows detailed information including date, time, location, message(s) and also provides several action buttons. If the operator wishes to see the picture enlarged they should click the picture. Use the dropdown menu to set a new status for the report. Additional actions that can be taken include creating an alert from this report as well as sending the report via email to a third party.

Set a Report Status:

  1. Click the File as: dropdown and select the appropriate status.

Share a Report:

  1. Click the share button
    • The create alert from report button starts a new Alert using the info from the Report. Please refer to the Create Alerts section for details about how this works.
    • The email report button when selected opens a window to email the report
    • Agency Share allows dispatchers to share the report with other ELERTS Customers

Reply to User

  • Reply to a person that made the report, to suggest actions or ask questions. This is facilitated by the dialog area at the bottom of the report. The operator simply types in the text to be sent to the reporter and then selects the reply button to send it. Response(s) from the reporter will later be shown in this dialog area.
  • You can also select a Reply Template to pre fill the reply message box

Add a Note:

  1. Click the notes tab
  2. Click the New Note Button
  3. Type in your note info and attach any desired documents
  4. Click Save


Operator/Dispatcher can add a Report Category to existing reports, to annotate and add context as to what the report is about.

Add a Category:

  1. Click the Add a Report Category 
  2. Select the desired report categories. You can select more than one

Or use the Quick Add Categories right below the Add a Report Category                                                        

Admins can manage or create Report Categories in the Admin > Report Categories Screen:

  • TEXT-A-TIP reports are sent as freeform reports from users. Texting a message does not have the benefit of a Report Type field, which the mobile app or web-app includes. TEXT-A-TIP reports can now be assigned a Report Category by an Operator/Dispatcher, to add context to the message.
  • A Report Category can be added to clarify the nature of a report, if an app user submitted an incorrect Report Type.

Note: The Report Category supplements the Report Type, it does not replace it. The Report Type field is never allowed to be modified from what the user submitted.

  • Report Category can make a Report visible to another Operator Role

Consoles may be configured to make certain Report Types visible only to certain Operator Roles. For example, Maintenance Issue reports would be seen by Maintenance Operator role dispatchers. Report routing can now also be done by setting a Report Category. Sometimes a report may come in with an incorrect Report Type. So if the Console Operator feels the report is not appropriate for their department, they should set the Report Category so the appropriate department can see the report in their console. The report will still be visible to both operators. Keep the report in the Incoming folder so the other department can see it and respond to it.

  • Report Category can be set as Safety Hazard by Likelihood & Severity Rating

In the report details screen, select Add a Report Category or rate a Safety Hazard. Then click * SAFETY HAZARD to mark it as such. Choose the appropriate LIKELIHOOD and SEVERITY value and click Save. This report is now searchable based on Report Categories for * SAFETY HAZARD.

Nearby Resources

Nearby resources consists of resources added in the Admin/Resources/Cameras page. It can also include Trafficland Cameras or Automatic Vehicle Location(AVL). These are resources that are nearby the GPS of the Report

Mark as Spammer

If you find that a user consistently sends in reports that are inappropriate or not real you can mark them as a spammer. Once marked as a spammer, their reports will be sent to the Trash folder