ELERTS Milestone integration allows ELERTS to trigger specific cameras in XProtect.

  • XProtect 
  • Cloud Driver


  Milestone XProtect Configuration

  1. Open Milestone XProtect Management Application
  2. In the Management Application settings make sure to enable Generic Events
  3. Open Rules and Events > Generic Events
  4. Click "Add" and name the event cameraname_event where cameraname is the name of the camera you want to trigger
  5. Add the exact name of the camera to the Expression field surrounded by double quotes "cameraname"
  6. Set the Expression type to Match 
  7. Click OK
  8. Repeat steps 3-7 for all cameras that will be triggered
  9. Right click on Advanced Configuration > Alarms > Alarm Definition and select Create New
  10. Check Enable and give the alarm a name such as ELERTS_CameraName_Alarm where CameraName is the name of the camera that will be triggered
  11. Select System Events for Triggering Event and External Event for the sub item
  12. Click the select button then expand the server item > All Inputs and select the Event that will trigger the alarm and click Add then OK
  13. Time Profile should be set to Always
  14. Under Other click the Select button for Related Camera and Expand Server > All Cameras.  Select the desired camera and click Add then OK
  15. Click OK to finish the Alarm
  16. Repeat steps 9-15 for all cameras that will be triggered
  17. Click "Save and Apply Configuration"

  ELERTS Configuration

  1. Download and Install Cloud Driver
  2. On EPICenter click Define New Endpoint under Admin > Endpoint Connections
  3. Enter the IP Address of the machine with XProtect running on it and enter the port number that corresponds to XProtect Generic Event Port.  The default is 1234.
  4. Select Software for the type of connection and Milestone XProtect for the product
  5. On EPICenter click Cameras/Resources under Admin > Cameras/Resources
  6. Add the desired cameras. See Cameras/Resources for help

      When adding cameras be sure to name them in ELERTS EPICenter the same name as the Event Substring that was added to the Generic Event in XProtect in step 4