Add App User with API

  1. Make a GET api call to with parameters
    1. api_key (required): the provided api key
    2. email (required): the users email
    3. redir (optional): an optional url to redirect to if successful
    4. You can add custom extra parameter if you desire such as “name” or “phone” and they will be added and displayed in the console.
    5. If you include a parameter called Group, when viewing the unassigned users on the Manage Groups page you can see what association that user should be in and can assign them to the appropriate group
    6. Similar to Group, you can include a parameter called Location, when viewing the unassigned users on the Manage Locations page you can see what site that user should be in and can assign them to the appropriate location

Success Response

 {"success" : 1, "error":""} 

Error Response

{"success" : 0, "error" : "invalid_api_key"} 
{"success" : 0, "error" : "invalid_email_address"} 
{"success" : 0, "error" : "user_exists"} 
{"success" : 0, "error" : "invalid_parameters"}

   If an email contains a + be sure to url encode it as %2B. Also be sure to url encode any other special characters. This applies to both adding and removing.

Remove App User with API

  1. Make a GET api call to with Parameters
    1. api_key (required): the provided api key
    2. email (required): the users email

Success Response

 {"success" : 1, "error":""} 

Error Response

{"success" : 0, "error" : "invalid_api_key"} 
{"success" : 0, "error" : "invalid_email_address"} 
{"success" : 0, "error" : "user_not_found"} 
{"success" : 0, "error" : "invalid_parameters"}

Manage App User with API by using Uploading CSV

  1. Make a POST api call to with Parameters
    1. api_key (required): the provided api key
    2. userlist (required): the csv of emails and info 
    3. replace_list=true (optional) specifies if the CSV should overwrite what is currently there. If not included the default is false and new emails will be appended.
    4. redir (optional): an optional url to redirect to if successful

Success Response

{ "success": 1, "error":"", "new_users": [ "", "" ], "removed_users": [ "", "" ] }

Error Response

{"success" : 0, "error" : "invalid_api_key"} 
{"success" : 0, "error" : "file_empty"} 
{"success" : 0, "error" : "invalid_extension"} 
{"success" : 0, "error" : "invalid_parameters"}

Get App User Status with API

  1. Make a GET api call to with Parameters
    1. api_key (required): the provided api key
    2. email (required): the users email

Success Response

{"success":1,"error":"", "activated":0,"installed":0} or {"success":1,"error":"","activated":"0","installed":"10-16-2014"} or {"success":1,"error":"","activated":"05-19-2015","installed":"10-16-2014"}

Error Response

{"success" : 0, "error" : "invalid_api_key"} 
{"success" : 0, "error" : "invalid_email_address"} 
{"success" : 0, "error" : "user_not_found"} 
{"success" : 0, "error" : "invalid_parameters"}