The dispatcher can type text to be searched for, as well as fields for a date range within which span the search should be conducted. If no text is typed, all Reports within the date range will be presented in the search results. If text is typed, only the Reports that contain the text within the date range will be presented. Text searches are performed with case insensitivity. You should be careful about searching for small text segments, such as a single character, as that will likely match a large number of Reports. You can also search on User info or the Report id.

Extra Options:

There are extra options you can use to refine your search.

  • Report Type
  • Report Location
  • Report Categories
  • Report Status
  • Report Source
  • Reports with GPS
  • Reports with Photos

A completed search can be saved to be searched again at a later point in time. This is helpful for determining specific KPIs

Once a search completes you can view the returned results, export them as CSV or PDF, open the results in a Map or if you have purchased BI Plus you can load the search into BI to view specific analytics.