Business Intelligence (BI) can help you get a clearer picture of your overall system. 

BI is broken down into the following categories 

  • Reports
  • Report Types
  • Report Locations
  • User Stats
  • Operator Stats
  • Trends
  • Calendar
  • All Time metrics

Upgrade to Business Intelligence Plus to unlock the full power of BI. 


  1. Custom Date Periods
  2. Operator Stats Charts
  3. Daily App installs broken down by SMS/APP/WEBFORM Chart
  4. Reports per day and hour broken down by SMS/APP/WEBFORM Chart
  5. Daily Police Calls Chart
  6. Web App Report References Chart
  7. Top 10 Reporters link to open their Reports in search
  8. Monthly Active Users
  9. All time App installs broken down by SMS/APP/WEBFORM Chart
  10. Download Charts as CSV
  11. Download Charts as PDF
  12. Print Charts
  13. Open custom searches in BI

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