A See Say Webhook is a message sent from ELERTS when a specific event occurs. It contains a JSON message—or payload—and is sent to a unique URL you create. 

Add a Webhook

  1. Click the Add Webhook button at the top of the page
  2. Enter a Display name and the URL you wish to be called.
  3. If you wish for dispatchers to be able to manually send a report to a Webhook select the checkbox (Manual Checkbox on filter row once added).

Event Filters

Event Filters determine which type of Webhook events are sent to the url. By default with none selected, all Webhooks will be sent. 

  • New Report
  • New User Reply
  • New Media
  • New Alert
  • New Dispatcher Reply
  • Report Status Change
  • Report Tag Change
  • Message Push Notification

Report Filters

Report Filters determine what types of reports will be sent to the webhook. These filters can be managed on the Report Filters Page

Delete a Webhook

  1. Click the delete button on the row of the Webhook to be deleted

View Webhook format