1. TEST REPORT Requests
    Any good public safety system requires regular testing. Periodically ask users to send in a TEST-THIS IS ONLY A TEST Report, so they get familiar with how to send in a Report when the situation calls for such. Familiarity with the See Say app will make users more likely to use it when needed. Test reports are automatically moved into the “Tests” folder on ELERTS EPIC so dispatchers do not need to process them.
  2. BOLOs – Missing Persons
    Broadcast Alerts, including a photo when possible, to ask users if they have seen a missing person. Includes children and persons with Alzheimers/dementia. An effective Report will include details of what the person was wearing and their last known location and/or locations they are known to frequent.
  3. BOLOs – Persons of Interest
    Be On the Look Out Alerts to ask user to help locate persons of interest such as suspects in crimes. Including a photo, perhaps a still from a CCTV, will help users identify and report when they see the wanted person(s).
  4. Planned Emergency or Safety Exercises
    Broadcast in advance of training events. Users want to know what is going on with their organization and will appreciate knowing ongoing safety exercises are occurring.
  5. Public Safety Announcements

    Inform users of frequent crimes that occur in or around the organization and how they can protect themselves from becoming victims. E.G. Keep electronics such as phones and iPods hidden. Don’t visibly wear flashy jewelry. Don’t count your money openly.

  6. Crime Reports (Transits)
    Riders want to know what is happening on their transit system. Sending information about (or a link to a mobile-friendly web page) of recent transit crimes and their conclusion will be of strong interest to the riders. One of the most popular features of local newspapers is the crime report. Broadcasting a weekly transit crime report will engage riders, perhaps like no other message.
  7. Public Safety Videos
     ELERTS EPICenter also allows a web link to a short video to be broadcast to users. To do so, just include a link to the video, as part of the text in the Alert. It is recommended that videos be short, under 1 or 2 minutes, as users will be watching the videos on their Smartphone, possibly with limited connectivity.

   Users have a lot of apps on their phones. It is imperative that user receive regular messages through the See Say app, if they are to remain engaged. However, be careful to not over message your users. Too many messages can lead to users uninstalling the app or blocking notifications.