The ELERTS Webapp API allows developers to create their own webapp/webform to submit Reports to the ELERTS See Say System.

  1. Contact to obtain an API key and short code

  2. View the API call documentation through the ELERTS Console (Help -> API Documentation). There are 3 calls you will need. 

    1. Organization: Get Webapp Data

    2. Event: Send a Webapp Event

    3. Event: Send Media.

  3. When loading the initial page call, get the Webapp configuration data by calling the Organization Get Webapp Data call. This includes data such as the Report Types, Locations and what fields are required.  (See ELERTS Console -> Help -> API Documentation)

  4. The developer is responsible for obtaining the GPS of the user to attach to the Report

  5. A phone number is required to allow dispatchers to reply back to the submitter for more information if needed.

  6. Once the app fields have been filled out and validated, submit the report using the Event Send a Webapp Event call. It is the developers responsibility to filter out bots. ELERTS utilizes Google's recaptcha on its own Webapp.

  7. A successful Report will return a Token and a Report ID. If there are photos to upload, use the Token and Report ID to send the media individually to the Event Send Media call.